Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dasani - under the gun is a website designed to bring attention to the issue that Coke's Dasani bottled water brand misleads us by suggesting its product is pure mountain water when in reality it is bottled tap water. The campaign is sponsored by As a water "professional", it must be said that if you're going into the bottled water business, tap water is the best place to start. Why? Because it is already free of bacteria, iron, manganese and sulfur (unlike a typical well source). What opentappiness isn't telling you is that Dasani doesn't simply turn on the faucet straight into the bottle. They use an advanced reverse osmosis (RO) system to remove 99.99% of impurities. RO is our most advanced filtration method (it technically not even a filter but that is besides the point). Actually, what is the point?... here it is. I'm all for ditching bottled water because its a waste of fossil fuels to produce and distribute plastic bottled. And may prove to be unhealthy because of leaching chemicals from the plastic, and of course its expensive and empty bottles fill up land fills and...
But I'm here to say that Dasani is putting out a good product (Dasani: you can make your endorsement check out to Kyle Chapman). We can go green and shift demand from bottled to tap based on solid stats, not misleading and clever .org pages (aren't we give them shit for misleading us with pictures of mountains on their bottled water?)
You can buy RO systems to filter your own water at

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